ThetaHealing® for You and Your Companion Animals
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Animal Communication and Healing:
ThetaHealing® works very well for animals. Animals are very much in tune with nature and the energy of Creation that effects healings, they sometimes heal more easily than we humans can. The ThetaHealing® techniques of healing and belief work are very well suited to helping our pets or any animal we care about.

How a ThetaHealing® session can help you and your pet
A communication session can help tremendously to explain a situation to your pet and avoid unnecessary stress. Study after study has shown that stress causes disease for us, and it works the same way for animals. Keeping your pet's stress levels to a minumum can help keep them healthy. Many of the things that cause us stress like moving, and losing or gaining a new family member will also make your pet feel stressed.

My own experience with ThetaHealing® and my cats has been a blessing. The combination of the healing and communication techniques helped me cope with loss, helped my cat live as comfortably as possible until he passed and know how loved he was/is. When I was ready to adopt a new cat, I was able to recognize the soul returning, and used ThetaHealing® animal communication techniques with behavioral training (lots of treats!) to get her to agree to always scratch her scratching post instead of the furniture. Please remember, I can tell your pet what you want from them, but ultimately they get to decide what they will or will not do. Please also avoid asking them to do anything that goes against the nature of their species or breed.

Sessions with animals can be done by phone or Zoom. If you're local, you can request an in person session, but in most cases and especially if your pet is unwell, it's best for them to stay at home. If you would like to send me a picture of your pet, you are absolutely welcome to do so, but it's not necessary. I may be able to work with you if you need a different time, but my sessions are usually done Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm. I'm in the same time zone as New York. For any issue that's been troubling you for a while, it's probably best to start with a 60 min session. If you know you will want more than one session, the 5 session package saves you $177. Also you get Law of Attraction help with the 5 session package which is great to keep your conscious mind focused on your desired changes between sessions.

You can schedule your appointment before or after purchasing your session time. I've just added online scheduling. You can select your appointment time from this page. I hope this helps. If you want to schedule the appointment first, please be sure to send payment no later than 48 hrs before the session to confirm your appointment. If life happens and you need to reschedule, please let me know at least 24 hrs before the session. If you have already purchased your session time, or have bonus session time from one of my classes, you can use the coupon code you were given when scheduling.

By purchasing a product or service on this website you agree to these terms and conditions of service.

Animal Communication and/or ThetaHealing Session for your Pet

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Preparing for your ThetaHealing® session
If you would like to do communication with your pet during the session as well as Thetahealing, it helps to have some notes about what you would like to say to your pet, and what questions you'd like to ask. For a healing session it may help if you know what the issue is, but that's not necessary. The session can be done in person or over the phone. If your appointment is by phone please use a headset or speaker for your phone and please plan not to be interrupted during your session.

What to expect in your ThetaHealing® session with your pet(s)
A ThetaHealing® session for your pet can involve healing and belief work as it would with a person. I will be asking your persmission as well as getting your pet's permission before there are any changes to beliefs or conditions. The communicating I do with your pet is done silently. In some cases a pets health condition is similar to or related to their owner's health condition(s). ThetaHealing® teaches us why this can happen and what what to do about it.

All communication with this bear was done by distance, from the safety of my car. The conversation with the buffalo (not pictured) at Bear World was more memorable. The buffalo were less than pleased with the amount of space they had so I did what I could to help them with feelings and beliefs to be more comfortable in their space.

The animals in our lives are amazing teachers. Years ago the family cats taught me how to communicate with them, and later I learned more about this same technique and others in ThetaHealing® classes. Over time I would simply get information from them without formal communication.

When my cat became ill and then passed at age 18 from kidney failure,ThetaHealing® was helpful to both of us in dealing with his illness. It helped me deal with losing him and helped him to be as comfortable as possible up to the end. I can't take credit for how nice and calm he was with the veterinarian and the rest of the staff there, that was just his nature. But being able to let him know what was going on and do ThetaHealing® for him helped him to be his usual sweet self in spite of all the trips to the vet and while following the veterinarian's instructions. During his treatments before he passed, his veterinarian commented that she was surprised that a cat with his bloodwork would be doing as well as he was.

We all have our own beliefs about what happens to the soul after we pass. I believe the soul continues and saw many signs of that with the new cat I adopted (above right, picture taken 2015) after "recognizing" the eyes and soul of my not so long departed cat (above left, picture taken 2011) in a kitten at the animal shelter. The above pictures of them sleeping with one leg up show one of those signs. From all the cute cat pictures I've seen and my own experiences with cats, this sleep position is pretty unusual..

Since getting back from my instructor classes, birds have been less quick to fly away when I approach. This is one that was in the yard and stuck around long enough and allowed me to get close enough to get a picture with my phone. More recently I almost snuck up on a hawk on one of my favorite hiking trails. Other flying creatures such as butterflies and bees have been around more too. At the park one day a large bee was buzzing around and I started to do some healing work for it to help it heal from the causes of colony collapse disorder and know how to teach other bees the same. When I started doing this the bee stopped buzzing and landed on a rock by my foot. The bee stayed there until I finished the healing work and only flew away a few seconds later when someone on a noisy bicycle went by. A few days later at the same park, I remembered that bee and thought of additional healing work I could do for it. Within a few minutes a bee that looked the same as the one from the other day flew into my forehead (between 3rd eye and crown chakra). I took that as a sign it appreciated the healing work, and went ahead with the new healings I was thinking of.

After being inspired by a meditation in one of the instructor courses I was quided to find a facility housing tigers and become a volunteer. In the process I found out about some of the really hideous atrocities committed against these incredible creatures in Asian countries and other parts of the world. Wanting to help and do something, even if its just helping with the care of these animals in a sanctuary and when I can, make others aware of the dangers they face in other parts of the world, made me even more determined to follow up with and visit various centers. I finally began helping the Conservator Center in Burlington, NC as a volunteer. Besides tigers they have other large cats and other fascinating animals residents. Its been a joy to be around them even though I don't have nearly as much time to volunteer there as I'd like. The beautiful lady pictured above allowed me to do a healing for her one day when I was cleaning her enclosure (with her safely secured in a different space). Sadly she has since passed from old age but knew how much she was loved by the humans who cared for her.

"My kitty () has been easy to travel with - she has no problems going into her carrier, seeing the vet and even visiting my parents place. This has taken so much stress off my shoulders! I've also been communicating to her via Theta as you suggested, and that has also made the biggest difference."
A. M., Canada

"I feel much more connected to (). I'm happy to say he is running more comfortably which is a good sign. He is also getting good at the bark once thing. As for myself, I feel the stress over the past few months cleared away. I was holding on to some heavy energy and feel much lighter."
K. C., USA

"I have been doing well since the session. My cat () has been walking (shuffling around) more than he was..I'm sending him unconditional love every day. :)"
C.R., North Carolina, USA

"I was desperate to help my dog Lucy overcome her severe panic about riding in my car. We had tried 'everything' and her fear just continued to get worse. A friend suggested we try Theta Healing and I am so grateful we did. Naomi helped us to uncover and release the source of her trauma and to heal my own sorrow around that. First car ride (after the session with Naomi) was manageable. Second ride she actually lay down and rested for a time! That hasn't happened in years. Theta Healing works and Naomi is a loving guide."
~Satyavati D., California, USA

"Lovey [family Dog] was all smiles when we got home. I feel lighter, too." M.A. Shannon, North Carolina, USA

IMPORTANT: Animals behavior problems may be a sign of a health problem. Take your pet to the veterinarian in order to rule this out. While animal communication and energy healing work great on animals, it is never intended to be a substitute foe veterinary care. Always continue to follow your veterinarian's instructions.

Naomi Harel
336 701 0177